Update: Be sure to check out my new blog and website for more free printables.
A wonderful new friend of mine mentioned, while we were scrapping last week, that it's nice to have a library of templates to use as clipping masks, frames, tags, etc. So I expanded my own personal library, and decided to offer it as this week's freebie. I went ahead and cut out the centers, but in my own personal scrapbooking I always fill the centers (with the paintbucket), with a solid of the same color, and use them as a mat, or a selection path, or a clipping mask. All kinds of fun! I love using them behind or over photos, and on cards, especially.
Have a great weekend, and happy scrapping!
Awesome freebie...
Thanks for sharing
thanks so much for sharing some freebies (love your work!) and thanks also for the tutorials!!! I vote for shape templates! :)
These are great, thanks so much :)
My vote is for more shape templates. Love having different ones to choose from!
You are the BEST!!!
Love these, and can't wait to play!
Very cool frame templates! Thank you.
I must live in a barn. I didn't know about PC Layers, but I'll certainly be visiting there on a regular basis. Your work is beautiful. Thanks so much for the freebies.
Gorgeous frames! Thank you! And for my vote I'm in between the shape templates and the digital papers.
thank you!
Thank you! I will no longer have to line up semi-circles to get that scalloped look :D
Lovely freebies, thank you!
Thank you for the freebie
So nice
These are great! Thanks!
Thanks so much :) :)
So nice
So nice
Lovely! Thanks so much for sharing <3
Very nice and useful..Thanks for sharing..
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