It's a......... playmat!!! Mine is not as darling as the original with it's cute pink cheeks and eyes, but my Heather Bailey "Pop Garden" fabrics were sooo bright and striking that I had a hard time finding coordinating pieces for my cheeks. Ah, maybe someday, but for now, I love it just how it is. It looks just like a huge beautiful flower.

I had been looking forever for a cute rug for her room. Didn't even cross my mind to make one until I was surfing around on blogs, and this little gem caught my eye! And I thought, "perfect!" It will coordinate, and I have bunches of little scraps to use up for all those gorgeous petals.

If you want to make one, or have someone make one for you, it was a great project, I really enjoyed the whole process, and the talented Leslie of
"onegirldesignwrks.blogspot.com" sells the beautiful
"fleur playmat + pillow" pattern on Etsy! You just download your .pdf and away you go to the fabric store. I started mine on Friday night and worked on and off on it over the weekend, and it was all done by Monday night. I just couldn't wait.

Thanks again Leslie for such a fun, functional, and pretty project!
(Isn't that face just too cute?!?!)
And just for the fun of it, I think we should have another
pcLayers gift card giveaway. I loved reading all your fun comments from the last giveaway, and would love to hear more. How about another chance at
$30 to spend on some great
digi kits?! Leave me a comment, either just some love, or if you have a kiddo tell me what your favorite baby item is and why. It could be beautiful, useful, frivolous, or just plain weird - but whatever it is I'd like to know!
Drawing will be open till noon MST
Saturday March 7th, be sure to check back that night to see if you've won! (Winner will be posted to the blog). Good luck!
So cute!! I wish I could sew ;-)
Gonna save it to my favs though, in case I can get someone else to make one for my little one :)
My little one isn't born yet, but my favorite baby item so far is the mobile that I'm sewing. I'm sewing little felt animals that are native to this area and it's turning out very cute!
WOW! What a great gift idea for someone to give as a baby shower gift. I love the idea. I am amazed that it only took you a weekend to work on it. Great job:)
Beautiful! I love it! Thanks for inspiring me to get creative and make my own.
Oh that is so sweet!! Love it. My favourite baby item is something you will get great use of one they start eating....a hand held mini vac!! LOL Seriously. We use it after every meal. :)
It was only after my second child that I really discovered that I loved making things for my children. They love their flannel blankets that they've had since they were babies (my second is still a baby). I think anything that is handmade is my favorite.
Love the pillow and play mat. VERY nice. I have 4 girls and mine are way past the baby stage. But, I loved my nursing bib. It was a very simple piece of fabric which would cover me all up so the baby can nurse. Now they have MUCH better choices.. but it was a lifesaver. Thanks for the chance to win.
it's way cute!
I wish I was any good at hand crafts.... alas, I am restricted to computer things :)
No baby in sight here yet, but lately I ran across so many gorgeous and cute wall decals (sp?) that I might just get a coulple of those stickers for the baby room instead of having my artist hubby paint the wall of the future baby room.... well, if we are still renting by the time it really might the only way to pretty up the walls!
Wow! Natalie, you are so creative.
My favorite baby item is her bathtub. Weird, yes, but it is awesome! She loves it, I love it, and J loves it. Pure awesomeness :)
I wrote about it on this post .
That playmat is very cute! I think my favorite baby stuff is crib bedding. I love looking at all the color combinations and patterns.
Oh my goodness, that playmat is super cute! If only I had the skill, talent and patience! My favorite baby item...that's a toss up between cute little shoes and my nursing cover...one's practical the other is just so darn cute!
my fave thing is our Dutallier rocker and ottoman. That thing is so comfy and what a lifesaver.
Great playmat. You are very talented!
I love that playmat. I am using some of the HB fabrics for my baby girl as well. I love my boppy pillow. We don't travel without it.
I am so excited to make this playmat, my little girl will LOVE it! Thanks
hey, natalie! it's hard to nail down just one favorite baby item, but my two top choices are: baby signing time dvds (it is so fun to see lil miss sign back to us!) and the fisher price laugh and learn home! the rug is adorable, little malan is one lucky girl!!
wow! that is soooooooo cute!!! i wish i know how to sew, i would definitely try this one out :)
thanks for letting us take a sneak peek in your daughter's room :)
The paint is called "Sulfur Springs" and I think it may be a Benjamin Moore color? I had a swatch so I just got it color matched somewhere. Ugliest name in the world, but really pretty color on the walls. My studio is that color too. It's kind of a light pistachio without too much blue or yellow in it. Ugliest name for a color ever though! It sounds hideous!
That is SO cute! And I can't believe you had it done over the weekend!
I can't wait to see your next creation :)
I love your baby room, it is so pretty with all of the Heather Bailey fabric. The playmat you made it a great idea, I will have to go and see the pattern.
Gorgeous room! Beautiful colours. I hope to make one of those mats soon for our new baby
absolutely divine natalie! everything you've done. so very cool. thanks for humoring becky and i the other day, it was fantastic to see you and princess peanut's adorable future abode. i left your home completely inspired to be more creative and productive.
love it! I am working on a fleur playmat for my sisters baby...also sans cheeks :)
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