
Freebie - Valentine's Day Glitter Hearts

Whew! What a weekend! Honestly, I knew it would be a lot of work to start getting together some things for my blog shoppe, but I have worked my arm off getting everything all set, along with a whole bunch of way cute freebies for the next two weeks. These coordinate with my Audrey kit which is releasing on Wednesday (I was completely wrong about it releasing on the 5th, have I mentioned yet, that I have absolutely no concept of time or dates?). If you have ideas for things you'd like to see in the shoppe, let me know! I was thinking about some paper flower making actions, and a whole bunch more tied ribbons. I can't get enough. Templates maybe?

Anyone interested in doing another drawing but this time for the Audrey kit? What should I ask as a question on Tuesday? Do you like random drawings from comments? Or is there a better way that I don't know about! Also, what do you think about freebies/coupons for being on the email list? I've been toying around with that one too. I figure, if you like me enough to get emails every time I post, I should figure out a way to show that I appreciate it.

Hmm..... Anything else going on in my life non work related? I did take a few hours out this weekend to help hang paintings for the BYU alumni show. I have two paintings in, and David also has two. I have some annoying fiberglass slivers (you know, the invisible splintery kind) all over my hands, and I'm pretty sure some of the paintings I hung might not stay up till Friday for the opening night; I'm definitely not the strongest when it comes to tightening things with pliers! Only time will tell.


Annabella said...

Thank you ever so much for the beautiful Glitter Hearts, I love anything glittery!!!

Brooke - in Oregon said...

Oh my gosh, that painting with the little girl praying by candlelight is beautiful!

I hate those fiberglass stickery things. I remember that feeling from when we put insulation in our old house.

Thanks for the hearts and have a great week.

Anonymous said...

TYSM for the glitter hearts - can't wait to try them on my valentines.

Yes to the q. about signing up for the newsletter....'cause I'm already on it (teehee) and you'll get a lot more subscribers that way!

Q. for Tues. - depends on what'll inspire you... You could you could gear it more to a new kit inspiration and ask about a fav. color combo, or fav. digi element, or one item they use over and over on their LO's.

Of w/Valentine's day coming up ask about fav. memory/something lovey, or fav. romantic setting other than a restaurant...

Okay, back to work prep. for me. Night.


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