I can't believe I haven't posted an update in 5 months! Yikes! A few people had asked to see my birth announcements; and you are getting to see them before the family since I haven't actually mailed them yet. Whoops. My excuse is that I'm still trying to design my envelopes. I love pretty envelopes. We did finally settle on a name (yes, it took me a week to decide; we literally named her on our way out the door of the hospital 5 days after having her)! She has kept me busy, and I've been busy working on all kinds of fun things for Making Memories, Provo Craft, Cricut, and a little magazine illustration here and there as well. So sorry for neglecting
you dear blog!
DH is getting to be mom for a day whether he likes it or not because of his smart a comments to a friend last night (about me just sitting in bed sleeping and nursing all day, um yeah. HA!). We'll see how the day goes. It could be interesting. He's making me breakfast right now. ;) Good husband.
I've been working on my
photo skills more than my scrapbooking lately, but have plenty of scrapping to catch up on now. I feel like I need to make some more cute photo frames/brushes....
My mac is back from getting the graphics card replaced. It only took me 4 months to get it to the apple store for a three day repair.
OH! and we
moved. I knew there was another biggie that I was forgetting! Tons of work, but I'm glad it's all over now.
So to catch up on the babe:
The "coming home" shot. I love big bows.

She loves her swing, and so do I. (couple weeks old)

I think I really captured her true love of nightgowns, don't you think?

4 months and enjoying a little tummy time.

4 and a half months and already sitting up! This girl is going places fast!

More updates to come soon, and hopefully a freebie in there somewhere too! Thanks so much for all your wonderful comments and emails.